Mecklenburgian Wii Tennis Open

2nd Mecklenburgian Wii Tennis Open 2012


Dear friends and athletes,

In celebration of my 33rd birthday I want to kindly invite you to the 2nd Mecklenburgian Wii Tennis Open which will take place on December 7th at 19:00h in Lange Str. 28.

Please register yourself (and your partner) till December 5th. Every player will participate in the solo event as well as in Mixed Double matches.

I’m honoured to announce, that there will also be some snacks and drinks to celebrate this unique competition.

I’m looking forward to see you (and the defending champions Marit (Singles, EE) and Steffi & Pawel (Doubles, DE & PL)).

Kind regards,


Secretary General of the

Mecklenburgian Wii Tennis Association



The Champions

Single: Marko (EE)

Double: Marko (EE) & Robert (DE)



Mecklenburgian Wii Tennis Open 2009


Dear athletes,

This is to invite you to the Mecklenburgian Wii Tennis Open 2009 which will take place on May 28 from 18:00h on.

Please register yourself till 24th May. Every player will participate in the solo event as well as in Mixed Double matches.

I’m honoured to announce, that there will be as well some BBQ to celebrate this unique competition. Due to the fact that there is no participant fee, it would be nice, if the athletes could bring some salads or drinks with them.

Kind regards,
– Secretary General of the Mecklenburgian Wii Tennis Association –


Anja (DE) Marta & Pawel (PL)
Corinna (DE) Paolo (IT)
Bartek, Van, Andrzej  (PL, VN) Pecci (HU) – out of competition
Lars (DE) – out of competition Stefanie (DE)
Marit & Marko (EE) Valeria (DE)
Time table
 18:00 – 18:30

18:30 – 19:30

19:30 – 20:00

20:00 – 20:20

20:20 – 20:30

 Warm up

Preliminary round  (Singles)

Preliminary round  (Doubels)

Semi finals & final (Single)

Final (Double)


Tournament Schedule/Results


The Champions

 Marit (EE)                                                      Stefanie (DE) & Pawel (PL)

More Photos



10 Gedanken zu „Mecklenburgian Wii Tennis Open“

  1. (1) Three sets for the singles as far as I remember.
    (2) You should know my living room! 😉 Like Wimbledon: Grass. But there will be no strawberries with cream as long as nobody is bringing them…

    For those who have not noticed: Two more participants…
    And: Softdrinks are available. Maybe somebody could take care of beer and Radler/Alster?

  2. A couple of technical questions:
    – How many sets will there be in each game?
    – What terrain does the Strandstrasse Arena central court have??
    P.S.: Marta hope you don´t have winning amb…

  3. I will bring some food and some vodka/Zybrowka + Juice.
    I apologize in advance with polish people in case of any errors!
    See you there!

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